Wide-band Infrared Gratings

High Energy Laser Grating

  • Also available for customization

High Energy Laser Grating Standard Items

wdt_ID SKU Grooves (l/mm) Blaze Wavelength (um) Blaze Angle Ruled Area (H×W mm2)
1 RL11-001 50 10.60 15.4° 100×100
2 RL11-002 80 10.60 25.1° 100×100
3 RL11-003 100 10.60 32° 100×100
4 RL11-004 100 9.77 29.2° 100×100
5 RL11-005 120 10.60 39.5° 100×100
6 RL11-006 150 10.60 52.7° 100×100

Laser gratings are used for selected frequency, pulse compression and sampling in laser systems. Now we can rule high energy laser gratings on metal substrate. The maximal dimensions of these gratings are 300×300mm2. Three-dimensional configuration of laser gratings by AFM is shown in figure.

Note: Such grating must be ordered in advance. Groove density, wavelength and ruled area can be selected. Additionally, we can manufacture concave metal grating with large curvature radius. Several examples of grating specifications are listed in the following table.

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